The NRSC was not only campaigning for the education of road users, but also the improvement of road design and construction. In conducting assessments of the current road condition, the NRSC was able to illustrate the fatal flaws that contribute to road accidents every year.
With this message in 2009 the NRSC implemented “Make Roads Safe in Armenia” project directed to improving Armenian road construction norms in accordance with the existing international road safety standards.The improving of road construction conditions will prevent the disastrous impact road crashes have on millions of families each year. The project was funded by The World Bank.
In the frameworks of the project the booklets of A5 format were published containing the information on the difference between the existing norms on road construction and the suggested international. Besides the posters A3 format of 2 types were published. One of them is be informative, containing the information on how many people die on the roads in Armenia and the second is an illustrative showing the difference between the existing constructed road and the one which would have been if Armenia would use the international standards. The latter were distributed to RA Government and Ministry of Transport and communication staff.