First United Nations Global Road Safety Week
Upon the request of the United Nations General Assembly, the First United Nations Global Road Safety Week will be organized during the week of 23-29 April 2007. During this week events will take both nationally and internationally, in support of road safety. Many partners will participate in the organization, including the United Nations and government agencies, as well as civil society and the private sector. Coordination will be provided by the United Nations’ Regional Commissions and the World Health Organization (WHO).
The week, which will be modeled after previous road safety weeks organized by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), and World Health Day 2004. It shall serve as a platform to raise awareness about road safety issues and call for action. The theme of the week will be “young road users, including young drivers”. Young road users constitute a major group at risk of death, injury and disability on the road. They also count for a large proportion of drivers involved in accidents. However, actions resulting from the week will benefit road users of all ages. The two major objectives of this First United Nations Global Road Safety Week 2007 will be to:
Raise awareness on the impact road accidents have on society, such as the cost of road traffic injuries – highlighting in particular the risks for young road users, including young drivers.
Promote action around key factors that have a major impact on preventing road traffic injuries such as helmets, seatbelts, drink driving, speeding and infrastructure.